
Mediascape - UCLA’s Journal of Cinema and Media Studies

Mediascape - UCLA’s Journal of Cinema and Media Studies
Fall ’09
Video Essays
Introduction By Jennifer Porst, Maya Montañez Smukler
White House, Black President By Clifford Hilo, Maya Montañez Smukler, Julia Wright
HBO’s Cinematized Television By Erin Hill and Brian Hu
Towards a New Genre of Video Game Play By Drew Morton, David O’Grady and Jennifer Porst
Scholars on the subject of Genre in contemporary Cinema and Media Studies (in 10 parts) By Jason Mittell, Scott Ruston, Timothy Shary, and Vernon Shetley
Fall ’08
Letter from the Editors by Maya Montañez Smukler and Jennifer Porst
(meta) Scholars on the Subject of Media, Politics and the Academy (in 12 parts) By Allyson Nadia Field, Toby Miller, Bill Nichols, and Chuck Tryon
Spring ’08
Letter from the Editors by Brett McCracken and Jennifer Porst
O Brother, O Sister by Jeffrey Sconce
Some Analog Lines by David Lowery
Spring ’07
Spring ’06

Spring ’05
Save the Green Planet!, Memories of Murder, and the 80s in Cinema by Byun Sungchan, translated by Hyongshin Kim
Artificial Life in Real Time by Bernardo Rondeau
Visit Mediascape’s Website (link)