Applied Theatre Researcher/IDEA Journal
Number 11, 2010
Editorial (PDF 127K) Issue edited by Penny Bundy and John O'Toole
Life Drama Papua New Guinea: Contextualising Practice (PDF 7.2M) Andrea Baldwin (Australia)
Process Drama and Additional Language Teaching: Reflections on the Dante Alighieri Immersion Weekends (PDF 655K) Erika C. Piazzoli (Australia)
Social and Academic Benefits of After-School Theatre Programming for Low-Income Adolescents (PDF 307K) Hallie Greenberg (United States)
Audience Participation, Aesthetics Distance and Change: Reflections on Fifty Square Feet, a Theatre-in-Education Programme on Urban Poverty (PDF 889K) Chan Yuk-Ian Phoebe (Hong Kong)
Dancing Diseases: An Applied Theatre Response to the Challenge of Conveying Emotionally Contradictory Messages in HIV Education (PDF 217K) Andrea Baldwin (Australia)
Teaching and Live Performance: Applied Theatre in Universities and Schools (PDF 147K) John Jacobs (Australia)
Number 10, 2009
Editorial (PDF 73K) Issue edited by Penny Bundy and John O'Toole
Spectacular Violence and the Kachahari Theatre of Sindhuli Nepal (PDF 238K) Alberto Guevara (Canada)
Power In Their Hands: The Outcomes of the Acting Against Bullying Research Project (PDF 269K) Bruce Burton and John O'Toole (Australia)
The Difficult Return: Contexts and Developments in Drama-Based Work with Returned Military Personnel (PDF 196K) Michael Balfour (Australia)
Theatrical Reflections of Health: Physically Impacting Health-Based Research (PDF 185K) Julia Gray (Canada)
Beyond the Dance of Life (PDF 491K) Anna-Lena Østern (Norway)
Creating the Simulated Patient Through Dialogue: An Approach Based on Bakhtin's Dialogical Thinking (PDF 195K) Torild Jacobsen, Målfrid Råheim and Bjørn Rasmunssen (Norway)
Number 9, 2008
Editorial (PDF 178K) Issue edited by Penny Bundy and John O'Toole
Bridging the Divide: Regional Performing Arts Centres and Non-theatregoers Introduced (PDF 786K) Rebecca Scollen (Australia)
Factors Constraining Teacher Choices of Material for High School Actors: A Personal Reminiscence (PDF 446K) Debra McLauchlan (Canada)
Devising Original Entertainments for Popular Audiences: ‘New Lamps for Old!’ (PDF 986K) Gerard Boland (Australia)
On the Margins of Orthodox and Applied Theatre:Memory, Expiation and Healing in Bole Butake’s Play Family Saga (PDF 715K) Christopher J. Odhiambo and Naomi Nkealah (South Africa)
Evaluating the Efficacy of Community Theatre Intervention in/as Performance: A South African case study (PDF 680K) Kennedy C. Chinyowa (South Africa)
Forum Theatre’s Positive Impact on Self-esteem in Conflict (PDF 1M) Rikke Gürgens Gjærum and Gro Hilde Ramsdal (Norway)
Number 8, 2007
Editorial (PDF 331K) Issue edited by Penny Bundy and John O'Toole
Applied Theatre: An Exclusionary Discourse? (PDF 652K) Judith Ackroyd
War Narratives (PDF 645K) Tony Vinson and Desmond McDonnell
The Everyday Becomes Extraordinary: Conversations About Family Violence, Through Applied Theatre (PDF 905K) Peter O'Connor, Chris Holland and Briar O'Connor
Theatre for Positive Youth Development: A Development Model for Collaborative Play-creating (PDF 2600K) David Beare and George Belliveau
Converging Worlds: Fostering Co-facilitation and Relationships for Health Promotion Through Drama at the Grassroots (PDF 660K) Christine Sinclair and Andrea Grindrod
Visiting Creativity Country: A Policy-maker's Travel Guide (PDF 664K) Ainslie Yardley and John Bailey
Number 7, 2006
Abstracts and Editorial (PDF 102K) Issue edited by John O'Toole and Penny Bundy (Australia)
Conversations with the Devil (PDF 63K) Tim Prentki (United Kingdom)
Walking in Both Worlds: Snuff Puppets at Barak Indigenous College (PDF 72K) Kate Donelan And Angela O'Brien (Australia)
Navigating the Ethics of Audience Participation (PDF 56K) Gareth White (United Kingdom)
Drama, School and Social Change: Theoretical Approaches to Learning in History and Culture (PDF 60K) Anton Franks (United Kingdom)
Inside the Circle: The Spatial Dynamics of Contemporary Street Performance in Australia (PDF 591K) Joanna Clyne (Australia)
Shakespeare in Nicaragua (PDF 61K) Els Van Poppel (Nicaragua)
Performing Among Shadows and Screens: Reflections On Teaching Aesthetics and Theatre in Southeast Asia (PDF 256K) Charlene Rajendran (Singapore)
The Imagination at Work Within the Dramatic Play of Pre-Adolescent Girls (PDF 78K) Julie Dunn (Australia)
Writing Effective Characterisation to Facilitate Young People's Performance and their Understanding of Wider Social Issues with Particular Reference to The Landing (PDF 65K) Sarah Jane Dickenson (United Kingdom)
Cyberdrama and Potential for Youth Engagement (PDF 75K) Sue Davis (Australia)
The Art and Technology Writing Workshop: Theatre Arts and Technology in an Out-Of-School Setting (PDF 116K) J. David Betts (United States)
Number 6 , 2005
Abstracts and Editorial (PDF 134K) Issue edited by John O'Toole
Educational and Critical Dimensions in Turkish Shadow Theatre (PDF 61K) Mehmet Takkaç and A. Kerim Dinç (Turkey)
The Underprivileged Woman as the Victim of Global Exploitation: A Study of the Performance of Séverin Cécil Abega's Le Sein t'est Pris (PDF 58K) Anne Tanyi-Tang (Cameroon)
Framing the Aesthetic Response to a Community Theatre Project (PDF 380K) Beatriz Angela Vieira Cabral (Brazil) and Dan Olsen (DenmarK)
Conscientising Cultural Performance : Theatre-Making Amongst Event-Specific Popular Audiences (PDF 308K) Gerard Boland (Australia)
Community Theatre in a South Samic Community: The Challenges of Working with Theatre in Small Communities (PDF 70K) Tordis Landvik (Norway)
Meeting Myself for the First Time While on Stage: Learning that Emerged Within a Community Popular Theatre Project (PDF 112K) Steve Noble (Canada)
Looking for Shakespeare: Anatomy of a Theatre Outreach Project (PDF 88K) Alistair Martin-Smith (Canada / United Kingdom) and Shifra Schonmann (Israel)
De l'autre côté du miroir : une expérience d'art dramatique avec les enfants de cinq ans / Through the Looking Glass: An Experience of Drama with Five-year-old Children (PDF 69K) par Francine Chaîné (Canada)
The Theatre of Mind: A True Story of Chinese Children Learning English Through Readers' Theatre (PDF 129K) Chang Wen-Lung (Taiwan)
Reflecting on the Body in Drama Education (PDF 62K) David Wright (Australia)
Playing the Game, Role Distance and Digital Performance (PDF 117K) John Carroll and David Cameron (Australia)
Asking the Right Questions: Accessing Children's Experience of Aesthetic Engagement (PDF 85K) Penny Bundy (Australia)
Number 5, 2004
Abstracts and Editorial (PDF 147K) Issue edited by John O'Toole
We Like Good Disco (PDF 69K) Nora Roozemond (Netherlands) and Karola Wenzel (Germany)
Getting the Message: Measuring Audience Response to Theatre for Development (PDF 102K) Ian Gaskell and Robin Taylor (Vanuatu)
A la frontiere du theatre et des arts visuels: la performance comme pratique indiscipline (PDF 58K) par Francine Chaîné (Canada)
La Langue et le Texte: L'heritage du Futur (PDF 76K) par Michel Azama (France)
The Best Laid Schemes o' Mice and Men: Exploring the Interplay Between Context, Role and Frame in Process Drama (PDF 68K) Pamela Bowell (United Kingdom) and Brian Heap (Jamaica)
Ethical Issues in Drama/Theatre Education Research and Practice (PDF 52K) Laura A. McCammon (USA)
Ethical Tensions in Drama Teachers' Behaviour (PDF 57K) Shifra Schonmann (Israel)
Seen and Heard: Using Playback Theatre to Explore Spirituality for People with Intellectual Disability (PDF 40K) Rea Dennis (Australia)
Drama and Philosophy: Language, Thinking and Laughing Out Loud! (PDF 53K) Laura D'Olimpio (Australia)
Number 4, 2003
Abstracts and Editorial (PDF 127K) Issue edited by John O'Toole
Didáctica Escénica: en busca de una estética para la educación / Scenic Didactics: in search of an educative aesthetic (PDF 55K) Elsa Yliana Iruega Peúa and Mario Cantú Toscano (Mexico)
Creating Opportunities for Aesthetic Engagement: Reflections from a Drama Classroom (PDF 57K) Penny Bundy (Australia)
Christmas Traditions and Performance Rituals: A Look at Christmas Celebrations in a Nordic Context (PDF 60K) Stig A. Eriksson (Norway)
Theories of the Stage, Social Projects, and Drama's Pedagogies (PDF 73K) Kathleen Gallagher (Canada)
Des voies de la analyse dramaturgique à la à cole / Ways to Analyse Dramatic Texts in Schools (PDF 51K) Maria Virgãlio Cambraia Lopes (Portugal)
Audience Activating Techniques and their Educational Efficacy (PDF 87K) Edyta Lorek-Jezinska (Poland)
The Importance of Narrative to Drama Education in Primary School (PDF 96K) Tiina Moore (Australia)
Applied Theatre Taught and Caught: a Program Review (PDF 73K) Tony Millett (Australia)
Multiculturalism and the Politics of Nation Building in Recent Cameroon Anglophone Theatre (PDF 74K) Tiku Takem (Cameroon)
More than Words - A Passionate Vision: Building Ultural and Communication Competence Through Drama/Theatre (PDF 79K) Rosemary Blight (Australia)
A Look at the Aesthetic and Educational Qualities of Video and Drama (PDF 70K) Isabelle Kim (Canada)
Number 3, 2002
Abstracts and Editorial (PDF 21K) Issue edited by Philip Taylor
Cycles Of Harmony: Action Research into the Effects of Drama on Conflict Management in Schools (PDF 86K) John O'toole And Bruce Burton
Voice, Vernacular And Verve in Troy's House (PDF 65K) Roslyn Arnold
The Challenge of Teaching in Role (PDF 54K) Julia Balaisis
Performed Ethnography For Representing Other People's Children in Critical Educational Research (PDF 73K) Tara Goldstein
After Thought: Evaluating Applied Theatre (PDF 68K) Philip Taylor
Number 2, 2001
Abstracts (PDF 77K) Issue edited by Philip Taylor
A Scenario (PDF ??K) Tarquam McKenna
Women and Drama: Transforming the Double Refractionâ of the Fictional and the fictionalâ Real (PDF 60K) Beryl Chalk
Tabula Rasa: Starting Afresh with Classroom Drama (PDF 58K) Kathleen Gallagher
The Arts: Making Sense, Making Meaning of Ourselves (PDF 49K) Felicity Haynes
Number 1, 2000
Abstracts (PDF 18K) Issue edited by Philip Taylor
Applied Theatre: Problems and Possibilities (PDF 188K) Judith Ackroyd
Down the Yellow Brick Road (PDF 100K) Peter O'Connor
An Informal Conversation with Maxine Greene: The Power of Aesthetic Partnerships (PDF 104K) Philip Taylor
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