
Gender Forum - Internet Journal for Gender Studies

Gender Forum - Internet Journal for Gender Studies
Vol. 31 - Gender and Performance

Vol. 30 De-Voted - Gender and Politics
Vol. 29 - Private I, Public Eye: Gender and Exposure
Vol. 28  - EngAGEing Questions: Gender and Age
Vol. 27 - Off Centre: Eccentricity and Gender
Vol. 26 - Literature and Medicine II: Women in the Medical Profession
Vol. 25 - Literature and Medicine I: Women in the Medical Profession 
Vol. 24 - Apparatus XY - Gender Praxes in the History of Chinese and Western Medicine

Vol. 23 - Race to Face: Gender, Ethnicity and the Media
Vol. 22 - Black Women’s Writing Revisited 
Vol. 21 - Gender and Jewish Culture
Vol. 20 - Gender and Language
Vol. 19 - Illuminated Gender II: Gender and Illness

Special Issue Women in Power

Vol. 18- Gender Disgussed: Gender and the Abject 
Vol. 17 - Working Out Gender
Vol. 16 - Gender Roomours II: Gender and Space
Vol. 15 - Gender Roomours I : Gender and Space
Vol. 14 - Rac(e)ing Guestions III: Gender and Postcolonial/Intercultural Issues
Vol. 13 - Imagendering II: Gendering and Visualization 
Vol. 12  Illuminating Gender: Gender and Disease
Review: Judith Butler. Undoing Gender.  (Reviewed by Dirk Schulz) 
Excerpts from Kaite O'Reilly's play Peeling

Vol. 11 Imagendering:Gender and Visualization
(Reviewed by Jennifer Law Sullivan) 

Vol. 10 - Rac(e)ing Questions II: Gender and Postcolonial/Intercultural Issues 
K.R. Randen: "Opening"
Vol. 9 - Male Accounts: Representing Masculinities 
Review: Valerie Martin. Property.  (Reviewed by Cornelia Dahmer) 
Review: Monica Ali. Brick Lane. (Reviewed by Stephanie Rott) 
Poetry by Yvonne Zipter: "The Things I Own" and "Lucinda"
Vol. 8 - Gender Queeries: Queer Concerns
Julia Pascal: "Theresienstadt"
Vol. 7 - Anybody's Concerns II: Gender and the Body 
(Reviewed by Sean O'Toole) 
Michelene Wandor: Draft of the first chapter of Barlines
Vol. 6 - Anybody's Concerns: Gender and the Body
Anna Furse (Goldsmith College, London, UK)  Art of A.R.T.
Samantha Hume (University of Cologne, Germany) The narrative of male violence on women's bodies
Vol. 5 - Gender Debat|tl|: Gender and War
Walter W. Hölbling (University of Graz, Austria) Texans, War Fever, and the Absence of the Female
Sylvia Vance (University of Alberta, Canada) "On the Knife-edge of Time": Katherine Burdekin and Naomi Mitchison
Annedith Schneider, Sabanci University, Istanbul (Turkey) Building the Nation: Narrating Women and the Algerian War
Review: Richard II & Richard III staged at the Globe Theatre  (Reviewed by Agata Maslowska, Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Poland).
This issue features Jane Eaton Hamilton's short story "Goombay Smash."
Vol. 4 - H(a)unted Heroines: Gender, Madness, and the Demonic
Tina Wald, MA (University of Cologne, Germany): The Haunted Heroines of British Women's Plays of the 1990s.
This issue features eight poems by five Bengali poets translated and edited by Dejani Chatterjee.
Vol. 3 - Rac(e)ing Questions: Gender and Postcolonial/Intercultural Issues
Dr. Mita Banerjee (University of Mainz, Germany): Josephine Baker: Gendered Ethnicity on a Mainstream Stage.
Stephanie Rott, MA (University of Cologne, Germany): "Two Different Feelings at the Same Time." Interview with Atima Srivastava.
Review: Dyer, Richard. The Culture of Queers. London: Routledge, 2002. (Reviewed by Dirk Schulz, MA, University of Cologne, Germany).
This issue features three poems by Sridhar Rajeswaran.
Vol. 2 -  Mediating Gender: Gender and the Media
Prof. Dr. Hanjo Berressem (University of Cologne, Germany): Matter that Bodies. Philosophy in the Age of a Complex Materialism.
Prof. Dr. Nilufer E. Bharucha (University of Bombay, India): Of Devis, Devdaasis and Daayins: The Image of Women in Postcolonial Indian Cinema
Excerpt from Atima Srivastava's 1999 novel Looking for Maya. 
Vol. 1 - Genderealisations: Locating Gender Studies
Prof. Dr. Chris Weedon (University of Cardiff): Key Issues in Postcolonial Feminism: A Western Perspective
Sara Ahmed, Strange Encounters: Embodied Others in Post Coloniality (Reviewed by Paul Cooke, PhD, University of Aberystwyth, Wales).
Stephanie Lawler, Mothering the Self: Mothers, Daughters, Subjects (Reviewed by Alison Fell, PhD, Queens College, Oxford University, UK).
Visit the Gender Forum Website (link)