
Journal of Logic and Analysis

Journal of Logic and Analysis
VOL 3 (2011)
1.[PDF] Conway names, the simplicity hierarchy and the surreal number tree
Philip Ehrlich 

VOL 2 (2010)
1. [PDF] Open sublocales of localic completions
Erik Palmgren
2. [PDF] Description of locally finite families from a nonstandard point of view
Ulf Clotz
3. [PDF] Stability of group homomorphisms in the compact-open topology
Pavol Zlatos
4. [PDF] Splitting in solvable groups of finite Morley rank
Olivier Frécon
5. [PDF] A lambda calculus for real analysis
Paul Taylor
6. [PDF] Geometric spaces with no points
Robert Lubarsky
6A. [PDF] Addendum and Erratum to “Geometric spaces with no points”
Robert Lubarsky
7. [PDF] Harmonic measure and subanalytically tame measures
Tobias Kaiser
8. [PDF] Relative set theory: Some external issues
Karel Hrbacek
9. [PDF] Complex spaces and nonstandard schemes
Adel Khalfallah, Siegmund Kosarew
10. [PDF] The probability distribution as a computational resource for randomness testing
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen
11. [PDF] Constructive theory of Banach algebras
Thierry Coquand, Bas Spitters

VOL 1 (2009)
1. [PDF] Modular functionals and perturbations of Nakano spaces
Itaï Ben Yaacov
2. [PDF] Diffusion processes via parabolic equations: an infinitesimal approach to Lindeberg’s limit theorem
Heinz Weisshaupt
3. [PDF] Integrals and valuations
Thierry Coquand, Bas Spitters
4. [PDF] Decomposition of terms in Lucas sequences
Abdelmadjid Boudaoud
5. [PDF] Nonstandard hulls of locally exponential Lie algebras
Isaac Goldbring
6. [PDF] A decomposition of Brouwer’s fan theorem
Josef Berger
7. [PDF] On perturbations of Hilbert spaces and probability algebras with a generic automorphism
Itaï Ben Yaacov, Alexander Berenstein
8. [PDF] Relative set theory: Internal view
Karel Hrbacek
9. [PDF] A computational aspect of the Lebesgue differentiation theorem
Noopur Pathak
10. [PDF] Signed-bit representations of real numbers
Robert Lubarsky, Fred Richman
11. [PDF] Localic completion of generalized metric spaces II: Powerlocales
Steven Vickers
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