
Parrhesia Journal of Critical Philosophy

Parrhesia Journal of Critical Philosophy

Issue 10

The Eternal Return and the Phantom of Difference Catherine Malabou, translated by Arne De Boever

The Birth of Immunopolitics Frédéric Neyrat, translated by Arne De BoeverESSAYS


Issue 9
On Self-Alteration Stathis Gourgouris 
with an introduction by Alexander R. Galloway 
Multiplicity, Totality, Politics Maurizio Lazzarato, translated by James Muldoon
Derrida Barnaby Norman 
Issue 8

The Return of Rage Mario Wenning

Issue 7

'Du mort qui saisit le vif': Simondonian ontology today Jean-Hughes Barthélémy, trans. Justin Clemens 
The Question of Anxiety in Simondon Igor Krtolica, translated by Jon Roffe 
Alex Murray and Jon Roffe 
The Position of the Problem of Ontogenesis Gilbert Simondon, translated by Gregory Flanders 
Technical Mentality Gilbert Simondon, translated by Arne de Boever 
Eugene Thacker 
by Nick Heron 
Issue 6

Cinema as a Democratic Emblem Alain Badiou, translated by Alex Ling and Aurélien Mondon 
The Desert Island and the Missing People  Vanessa Brito, translated by Justin Clemens 
In the Middle Sean Gaston 
68 + 1: Lacan's année érotique Jean-Michel Rabaté 

Issue 5

Jeff Malpas, Heidegger's Topology Miguel de Beistigui 
Thomas Van Parys 
Issue 4

Making Poverty Visible – Three Theses  Alexander García Düttmann, translated by Arne De Boever 
Boever and Alex Murray
Issue 3

Robert Sinnerbrink 
Issue 2

The Event in Deleuze Alain Badiou, translated by Jon Roffe 
A Musical Variant of the Metaphysics of the Subject Alain Badiou, translated by Justin Clemens 
Milchman and Alan Rosenberg 
Matthew Sharpe 
Issue 1
Foucault, Freedom and Truth Emergence Kimon Lycos, with an introduction by Matthew Sharpe 

Power Paul Allan Miller 
Thinking Between Disciplines: An Aesthetics of Knowledge Jacques Rancière, translated by Jon Roffe 
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