Advances in Cognitive Psychology
2005, volume 1, issue 1
Claus-Christian Carbon and Helmut Leder
Face adaptation: Changing stable representations of familiar faces within minutes? [download pdf]
Annabelle Blangero, Yves Rossetti, Jacques Honoré, and Laure Pisella
Influence of gaze direction on pointing to unseen proprioceptive targets [download pdf]
2006, volume 2, issue 1
Ingrid Scharlau, Ulrich Ansorge, and Bruno G. Breitmeyer
Trends and styles in visual masking [download pdf]
Friederike Schlaghecken and Ruth Sisman
Low-level motor inhibition in children:Evidence from the negative compatibility effect [download pdf]
Sandra I. van Aalderen-Smeets Robert Oostenveld, and Jens Schwarzbach
Investigating neurophysiological correlates of metacontrast masking with magnetoencephalography[download pdf]
Andrea Kiesel, Wilfried Kunde, Carsten Pohl, and Joachim Hoffmann
Priming from novel masked stimuli depends on target set size [download pdf]
Blandyna Skalska, Piotr Jaśkowski, and Rob H. J. van der Lubbe
The role of direct parameter specification and attentional capture in near-threshold priming of motor reactions [download pdf]
Ulrich Ansorge and Manfred Heumann
Shifts of visuospatial attention to invisible (metacontrast-masked) singletons: Clues from reaction times and event-related potential [download pdf]
Michael H. Herzog, Elisabeth Lesemann, and Christian W. Eurich
Spatial interactions determine temporal feature integration as revealed by unmasking [download pdf]
Ingrid Scharlau and Gernot Horstmann
Perceptual latency priming and illusory linemotion: Facilitation by gradients of attention? [download pdf]
2006, volume 2, issue 2-3
William Forde Thompson, Simone Dalla Bella, and Peter E. Keller
Music performance [download pdf]
Dianna T. Kenny and Margaret S. Osborne
Music performance anxiety: New insights from young musicians [download pdf]
Roger Chaffin and Topher Logan
Practicing perfection: How concert soloists prepare for performance [download pdf]
Johan Sundberg
The KTH synthesis of singing [download pdf]
Anders Friberg, Roberto Bresin, and Johan Sundberg
Overview of the KTH rule system for musical performance [download pdf]
Bruno H. Repp
Rate limits of sensorimotor synchronization [download pdf]
Peter Q. Pfordresher
Coordination of perception and action in music performance [download pdf]
Sylvie Hébert and Lola L. Cuddy
Music-reading deficiencies and the brain [download pdf]
Hans-Christian Jabusch and Eckart Altenmüller
Focal dystonia in musicians: From phenomenology to therapy [download pdf]
Theodore P. Zanto, Joel S. Snyder, and Edward W. Large
Neural correlates of rhythmic expectancy [download pdf]
Dianna T. Kenny
"Musical Excellence: Strategies and techniques to enhance performance" BOOK REVIEW [download pdf]
2006, volume 2, issue 4
Michael Öllinger, Gary Jones, and Günther Knoblich
Heuristics and representational change in two-move matchstick arithmetic tasks [download pdf]
Rob H.J. Van der Lubbe and Jurjen Van der Helden
Failure of the extended contingent attentional capture account in multimodal settings [download pdf]
Peter E. Keller and Iring Koch
Exogenous and endogenous response priming with auditory stimuli [download pdf]
2007, volume 3, issue 1-2
Ulrich Ansorge, Gregory Francis, Michael Herzog, and Haluk Öğmen
Visual masking and the dynamics of human perception, cognition, and consciousness. A century of progress, a contemporary synthesis, and future directions. [download pdf]
Bruno G. Breitmeyer
Visual masking: past accomplishments, present status, future developments [download pdf]
Gregory Francis
What should a quantitative model of masking look like and why would we want it? [download pdf]
Bruce Bridgeman
Common-onset masking simulated with a distributed-code model [download pdf]
Talis Bachmann
Binding binding: Departure points for a different version of the perceptual retouch theory [download pdf]
Adam Reeves
An analysis of visual masking, with a defense of "Stopped Processing" [download pdf]
Haluk Öğmen
A theory of moving form perception: Synergy between masking, perceptual grouping, and motion computation in retinotopic and non-retinotopic representations [download pdf]
Michael H. Herzog
Spatial processing and visual backward masking [download pdf]
Frouke Hermens and Udo Ernst
Visual backward masking: Modeling spatial and temporal aspects [download pdf]
Thomas U. Otto
Grouping based feature attribution in metacontrast masking [download pdf]
Fred H. Hamker
The mechanisms of feature inheritance as predicted by a systems-level model of visual attention and decision making [download pdf]
Stephen L. Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde
The role of feedback in visual masking and visual processing [download pdf]
Uri Polat, Anna Sterkin, and Oren Yehezkel
Spatio-temporal low-level neural networks account for visual masking [download pdf]
Rufin VanRullen
The power of the feed-forward sweep [download pdf]
Thomas Kammer
Visual masking by transcranial magnetic stimulation in the first 80 milliseconds [download pdf]
Piotr Jaśkowski and Rolf Verleger
What determines the direction of subliminal priming [download pdf]
Rolf Verleger and Piotr Jaśkowski
Disentangling neural processing of masked and masking stimulus by means of event-related contralateral-ipsilateral differences of EEG potentials [download pdf]
James T. Enns and Chris Oriet
Visual similarity in masking and priming: The critical role of task relevance [download pdf]
Friederike Schlaghecken, Laura Rowley, Sukhdev Sembi, Rachel Simmons, and Daniel Whitcomb
The negative compatibility effect: A case for self-inhibition [download pdf]
Ingrid Scharlau
Temporal processes in prime-mask interaction: Assessing perceptual consequences of masked information [download pdf]
Ulrich Ansorge, Odmar Neumann, Stefanie I. Becker, Holger Kälberer, and Holk Cruse
Sensorimotor supremacy: Investigating conscious and unconscious vision by masked priming [download pdf]
Thomas Schmidt
Measuring unconscious cognition: Beyond the zero-awareness criterion [download pdf]
Markus Kiefer
Top-down modulation of unconscious "automatic" processes: A gating framework [download pdf]
Andrea Kiesel, Wilfried Kunde, and Joachim Hoffmann
Mechanisms of subliminal response priming [download pdf]
Petroc Sumner
Negative and positive masked-priming - implications for motor inhibition [download pdf]
Michael E. Rudd
Metacontrast masking and the cortical representation of surface color: dynamical aspects of edge integration and contrast gain control [download pdf]
Stefan Wiens
Concepts of visual consciousness and their measurement [download pdf]
Adam Reeves
Metzger's Challenge. "Laws of seeing" by Wolfgang Metzger BOOK REVIEW [download pdf]
2007, volume 3, issue 3
Markus Kiefer, Stefanie Schuch, Wolfram Schenck, and Klaus Fiedler
Emotion and memory: Event-related potential indices predictive for subsequent successful memory depend on the emotional mood state [download pdf]
Daniel R. Van Horn and Gregory Francis
Orientation tuning of a two-stimulus afterimage: Implications for theories of filling-in [download pdf]
Petra Jansen-Osmann and Martin Heil
The process of spatial knowledge acquisition in a square and a circular virtual environment [download pdf]
Christopher A. Was
Further evidence that not all executive functions are equal [download pdf]
John F. Stins, Tinca J. C. Polderman, Dorret I. Boomsma, and Eco J. C. de Geus
Conditional accuracy in response interference tasks: Evidence from the Eriksen flanker task and the spatial conflict task [download pdf]
2007, volume 3, issue 4
Joachim Lange and Markus Lappe
The role of spatial and temporal information in biological motion perception [download pdf]
Jutta S. Mayer, Robert A. Bittner, David E. J. Linden, and Danko Nikolić
Attentional demand influences strategies for encoding into visual working memory [download pdf]
Werner Klotz, Manfred Heumann, Ulrich Ansorge, and Odmar Neumann
Electrophysiological activation by masked primes: Independence of prime-related and target-related activities [download pdf]
2008, volume 4
Alan Robinson1, Jochen Triesch2
Task-specific modulation of memory for object features in natural scenes [download pdf]
2009, volume 5
Elizabeth Milne 1, Marcin Szczerbinski 2
Global and local perceptual style, field-independence, and central coherence: An attempt at concept validation. [download pdf]
Bruno H. Repp 1, Haitham Jendoubi 2
Flexibility of temporal expectations for triple subdivision of a beat [download pdf]
Marek Binder 1
A timely issue [download pdf]
Najate Jebara, Delphine Pins, Pascal Despretz, and Muriel Boucart
Face or building superiority in peripheral vision reversed by task requirements [download pdf]
Ulla Martens 1, Markus Kiefer 2
Specifying attentional top-down infuences on subsequent unconscious semantic processing [download pdf]
Magdalena Berkowska 1, Simone Dalla Bella 1, 2
Acquired and congenital disorders of sung performance: A review [download pdf]
Catherine J. Stevens 1 , David Brennan, 1, Agnes Petocz 1 , Clare Howell 1
Designing informative warning signals: Efects of indicator type, modality, and task demand on recognition speed and accuracy [download pdf]
Marco R. Furtner 1, John F. Rauthmann 1, and Pierre Sachse 1
Nomen est omen: Investigating the dominance of nouns in word comprehension with eye movement analyses [download pdf]
Michael B. Steinborn 1 , Hagen C. Flehmig 2 , Karl Westhof 2 , and Robert Langner 3
Diferential efects of prolonged work on performance measures in self-paced speed tests [download pdf]
Bruno H. Repp 1 and Meijin Bruttomesso 2
A flled duration illusion in music: Efects of metrical subdivision on the perception and production of beat tempo [download pdf]
2010, volume 6
Sonja Stork 1, Jochen Müsseler 2 and A. H. C. van der Heijden 3
Perceptual judgement and saccadic behaviour in a spatial distortion with briefy presented stimuli [download pdf]
Victoria J. Williamson 1, Claire McDonald 1, Diana Deutsch 2, Timothy D. Griffiths 3, and Lauren Stewart 1
Faster decline of pitch memory over time in congenital amusia [download pdf]
Janek S. Lobmaier1,2, Jens Bölte3, Fred W. Mast2, and Christian Dobel4
Configural and featural processing in humans with congenital prosopagnosia [download pdf]
Yuki Yamada1, Atsunori Ariga2, Kayo Miura1, and Takahiro Kawabe1
Erroneous selection of a non-target item improves subsequent target identification in rapid serial visual presentations [download pdf]
W. R. Klemm1
Free will debates: Simple experiments are not so simple [download pdf]
A. K. M. Rezaul Karim1 and Haruyuki Kojima2
Configurational asymmetry in vernier offset detection [download pdf]
Lynn Huestegge and Diana Bocianski
Effects of syntactic context on eye movements during reading [download pdf]
Walter Schroyens, Lieve Fleerackers, and Sunile Maes
General aptitude and the assumption of truth in deductively rational reasoning about probable but false antecedent to consequent relations [download pdf]
A.K.M. Rezaul Karim1 and Haruyuki Kojima2
The what and why of perceptual asymmetries in the visual domain [download pdf]
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